Your direct entry into the digital world of energy procurement


Guest article in the specialist magazine Beschaffung aktuell 1/2-2025

enPORTAL gives nine tips for the new energy supply year


Companies can optimise their energy sector with new resolutions

We are very pleased about the recently published guest article in the 1-2/2025 issue of the trade magazine Current procurement and the opportunity to present our specialist energy expertise there. Our colleague Wilfried Rademaker has summarised in nine points which topics and content will be relevant for energy purchasers in the coming year and which optimisations can be made by those responsible for energy in companies from the industrial, SME and commercial sectors.

Read guest article from enPORTAL

You can find our guest article in the printed edition of the magazine on page 52/53 or online at:

You can also view the article here:





Weitere News

25 November 2024

BME Symposium 2024: Away from Excel

Mission: Moving away from manual spreadsheets in energy data management For enPORTAL, this year's BME Symposium 2024 was all about moving away from Excel and towards an efficient energy platform. Our team on site was pleased to welcome numerous visitors to the stand and had pleasant conversations with buyers from a wide range of industries who wanted to learn more about the use of our [...]

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Zum Service gehört eine persönliche Betreuung durch enPORTAL-Experten, die die Ausschreibung in Abstimmung mit dem Auftraggeber vorbereiten und durchführen sowie den Kunden bei allen Schritten begleiten.

11 November 2024

enPORTAL presents optimised energy platform for tenders for electricity and gas in the public sector

Legally compliant and market-driven tenders for public electricity and gas contracts via the enPORTAL connect energy platform Fully digitalised process for creating and conducting tenders in accordance with GWB, VgV, SektVO and UVgO Comprehensive energy data management for public clients and sector clients enPORTAL has developed its enPORTAL connect energy platform for public clients and sector clients in the electricity and gas [...]...

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11 November 2024

Optimised enPORTAL platform makes it easier for energy suppliers to access electricity and gas tenders from the public sector

Simplified participation process for energy suppliers on the enPORTAL connect energy marketplace Fully digital tendering process within the platform Standardised tender and offtake point data optimises sales The IT service provider enPORTAL has further developed its tried-and-tested enPORTAL connect platform, offering energy suppliers even more efficient and simpler participation in public tenders for electricity and gas via the digital energy marketplace. [...]

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Justine Neumann

Do you want first-hand information on energy market trends?

We are happy to provide you with information on digital trends, challenges and solutions relating to the following topics: Purchasing strategies, energy data management, energy price forecasts, energy marketplace, energy purchasing and energy expertise.


Justine Neumann

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040 – 604 29 87-80

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Norman Lübeck

Digital sales management

040 - 604 29 87-60

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Key accounts of energy supply companies can use our enPORTAL free of charge to participate in online tenders for electricity and gas. You can register here:


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