Your direct entry into the digital world of energy procurement

Energy. Digital. Networked.

Your energy platform for purchasing and controlling electricity and gas

enPORTAL connect Produkt Mockup


Our offer at a glance

Energiemarktplatz enPORTAL connect

Energy marketplace

Energiedatenmanagement enPORTAL connect

Energy data-

Energieexpertise enPORTAL connect Icon

Energy expertise

Einkaufstrategien enPORTAL connect

Purchasing strategies

Energiepreisprognose enPORTAL connect

Energy price-

Energieeinkauf enPORTAL connect

Energy purchasing

Your way to enPORTAL connect

Buchen enPORTAL connect

Book service online

Enter data, view price and conclude contract

Energiedaten enPORTAL connect

Provide energy data

Upload your energy data to the energy platform

Einrichtung enPORTAL connect

Setting up the platform

We set up your collection points on the energy platform

Loslegen enPORTAL connect

Get started directly

Finding a strategy, shopping, controlling

Testimonials from our customers

"We have been able to reduce process and energy costs. The result is easier to control and understand. Previously, we had to compare the results using Excel. Now we can do this at the push of a button.

Holger Leschinski

Fränkische Rohrwerke, former Head of Purchasing

Testimonials from our customers

"We were looking for a digital solution that would continue to offer us self-determination but also competition in the energy market. We found exactly the right thing for our annual energy supply contracts. The online portal is clearly structured and gives me the good feeling of getting the best price in the energy market."

Robert Heinzler

Managing Director, Heinzler Maschinenbau

Testimonials from our customers

"By using the portal, I always have a perfect overview of the current market and its development. I can act quickly and take advantage of opportunities. Even if the customer has little overview of the market or does not understand the composition of the electricity prices, the enPORTAL employees provide very professional and personal support. I always felt very valued."

Annette Schleicher

Energy buyer from Rehamed


Find out what successes our customers have achieved with enPORTAL connect.

Our press area

Market trends and digital developments


27 January 2025

Guest article in the specialist magazine Beschaffung aktuell 1/2-2025

enPORTAL gives nine tips for the new energy supply year Companies can optimise their energy sector with new resolutions We are delighted to have recently published a guest article in the 1-2/2025 issue of the trade magazine Beschaffung aktuell and to have the opportunity to present our specialist energy knowledge there. Our colleague Wilfried Rademaker has summarised in nine points which topics and [...]

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17 December 2024

Energy knowledge in a nutshell: our collection of information brochures and white papers 2024

Exciting information brochures for you! As the year draws to a close, we would like to present our collection of brochures and white papers that have been produced over the last few months. They contain the concentrated energy knowledge of the entire enPORTAL team and are part of our daily work in the energy market. The brochures are aimed specifically at energy managers, [...]

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12 December 2024

Charges and levies for electricity and gas in 2025 - New information brochure shows changes

Platforms automatically update the data enPORTAL has summarised the most important changes to levies and charges for electricity and gas for 2025 in a compact information brochure and updated it for its customers on the enPORTAL connect energy platform as soon as it is published. Thanks to the digital updates, energy managers from industry, SMEs and commerce can quickly [...]

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27 November 2024

Gas storage levy increases to 0.2990 ct/kWh

Gas storage levy increases from 1 January 2025 The gas storage levy will increase to 0.2990 ct/kWh from 1 January 2025. It was changed to 0.2500 ct/kWh in July 2024. The difference to the previous value is 0.0490 ct/kWh. Current value stored on the enPORTAL connect energy platform The new gas storage levy is already stored on the enPORTAL connect energy platform. A [...]

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25 November 2024

BME Symposium 2024: Away from Excel

Mission: Moving away from manual spreadsheets in energy data management For enPORTAL, this year's BME Symposium 2024 was all about moving away from Excel and towards an efficient energy platform. Our team on site was pleased to welcome numerous visitors to the stand and had pleasant conversations with buyers from a wide range of industries who wanted to learn more about the use of our [...]

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Zum Service gehört eine persönliche Betreuung durch enPORTAL-Experten, die die Ausschreibung in Abstimmung mit dem Auftraggeber vorbereiten und durchführen sowie den Kunden bei allen Schritten begleiten.

11 November 2024

enPORTAL presents optimised energy platform for tenders for electricity and gas in the public sector

Legally compliant and market-driven tenders for public electricity and gas contracts via the enPORTAL connect energy platform Fully digitalised process for creating and conducting tenders in accordance with GWB, VgV, SektVO and UVgO Comprehensive energy data management for public clients and sector clients enPORTAL has developed its enPORTAL connect energy platform for public clients and sector clients in the electricity and gas [...]...

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enPORTAL in Facts & Figures

Years of success and market leadership

Current tenders annually


We look after a total of


Kilowatt hours we manage per year


About us


Our 25-strong team consists of energy enthusiasts who are in daily personal contact with customers from all sectors and 700 energy suppliers. As a result, we know the trends in the energy market like no other.

enPORTAL connect booking

You can calculate the cost of our service here and book it conveniently online.

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  • Summary 3

Book now enPORTAL connect for your company!

With just a few clicks, you can view your customised price offer here and conclude the contract with us immediately or have it sent to you by e-mail for you to sign.

What can we do for you?

Find out more about us and the benefits of enPORTAL connect in a personal dialogue.

Norman Lübeck

Digital sales management

040 – 604 29 87-60

Contact now

Flexible appointment

What can we do for you?

Find out more about us and the benefits of enPORTAL connect in a personal dialogue.

Your contact

Norman Lübeck

Digital sales management

040 - 604 29 87-60

Flexible appointment

Choose directly a free appointment with our experts and let us advise you personally.

EVU enPORTAL connect

Your free supplier access to enPORTAL connect

Key accounts of energy supply companies can use our enPORTAL free of charge to participate in online tenders for electricity and gas. You can register here:


enPORTAL connect booking

Here you can calculate what our service costs and book the contract conveniently online.

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  • Customised offer 2
  • Summary 3

Book now enPORTAL connect for your company!

With just a few clicks, you can view your customised price offer here and conclude the contract with us immediately or have it sent to you by e-mail for you to sign.