Your direct entry into the digital world of energy procurement

Energy knowledge at a glance

Your questions, our answers.

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Einkaufstrategien enPORTAL connect

Purchasing strategy

Together we will develop a suitable energy purchasing strategy for you. We have the right procedures for your size. Legal certainty throughout the entire process is our top priority. Taking current market requirements into account, we work with you to determine the appropriate procurement model, e.g. fixed price or tranche (horizontal or vertical).

Energiedatenmanagement enPORTAL connect

Energy data management

The implementation and maintenance of your energy data in enPORTAL connect is taken care of by your personal customer support team, which is available to answer all your questions about offtake points, consumption, costs and contracts. Your energy data is updated automatically and is always up to date - linked with current taxes, levies, charges and network fees, you are always ready to procure electricity and gas.

Energiepreisprognose enPORTAL connect

Energy price forecast

With our AI-based energy price forecast, you can see in the energy portal today what you would pay for electricity and gas tomorrow. This enables you to quickly plan your budget or economy even before the actual procurement and makes it easier for you to decide whether to launch a tender.

Energiemarktplatz Icon enPORTAL connect

Energy marketplace

Our digital energy marketplace is used by more than 700 verified energy suppliers in Germany to provide you with individual offers for electricity and gas. These include all national and regional suppliers and municipal utilities. You benefit from the greatest possible competition in the energy market and receive the best energy price at the time of purchase.

Energieeinkauf enPORTAL connect

Energy purchasing

With our efficient online portal and a personal account manager, the tendering of electricity and gas is done quickly and in a legally secure manner. From publication on the relevant platforms and tendering to awarding and documentation, all processes take place completely digitally, resulting in efficiency, labour savings and the best energy prices.

Energieexpertise enPORTAL connect Icon

Energy expertise

We have customer and supplier relationships like no other and know at all times what challenges are ahead in the energy market. We know the trends and possible options and let you share the energy expertise of our network with regular breaking news or webinars.

Einkaufstrategien enPORTAL connect

Purchasing strategy

We would be happy to explain to you why it is so important to network in the energy sector - both at a data level and at a personal level. We share our energy expertise and take you with us into the digital energy world with all its possibilities and opportunities.

We would be happy to explain to you why it is so important to network in the energy sector - both at a data level and at a personal level. We share our energy expertise and take you with us into the digital energy world with all its possibilities and opportunities.

Why is a purchasing strategy important when buying energy?

The top 4 reasons why a purchasing strategy is important are:

1) Cost optimisation: Energy costs are often a relevant and significant cost factor in the company, therefore a purchasing strategy helps to optimise and reduce costs. The choice of energy supplier, the appropriate procurement model and a favourable time have a significant influence on costs. 2) Risk management: Energy prices on the stock exchange change permanently, they are volatile. A purchasing strategy helps to balance the opportunities and risks, e.g. by changing the procurement model.
3) Security of supply: A purchasing strategy ensures that a company's security of supply is guaranteed at all times and that options for action are always available, even in times of crisis.
4) Regulatory requirements: Energy purchasing is subject to regulatory requirements and laws that need to be known. The purchasing strategy helps to keep everything in view and to always meet all requirements.

How does enPORTAL connect support me in the area of purchasing strategies?

We support you in finding the right purchasing strategy or, more specifically, the right procurement model. We help with the implementation or the change from one model to the other. Always adapted to current market requirements, we find the best solution for you together! Together we examine your consumption structure and your requirements for energy suppliers and implement a strategy that fits into your future economic planning.

Which procurement models does enPORTAL connect offer?

Our procurement models and tender variants are always adapted to the current market requirements. For the purchase of electricity and gas, we currently offer: -fixed price, -tranche (vertical), -tranche (horizontal), tranche with spot market share, pure spot market, portfolio management. Green electricity and biogas can be easily requested under any of these procurement models.

What is fixed-price purchasing?

With a fixed price, a pure energy price for electricity or natural gas is agreed for a fixed delivery period. The advantage is that the costs for the delivery period and the tendered energy quantity are fixed. The disadvantage is that if stock market prices fall after the tender has been concluded, it is not possible to take advantage of more favourable prices. Our personal customer service will be happy to explain all further details to you in a conversation.

What is a tranche purchase?

In a tranche purchase, the desired amount of energy is divided up and procured at different times. The number of tranches can be individually determined by the company or a contracting authority. With a horizontal tranche, all shares are procured before the start of the supply period. In a vertical tranche procurement, purchases can also be made during the current supply year. Advantages: Multiple purchase dates lead to a reduction in price risk. Disadvantages: The energy price for the entire delivery year is only fixed after the procurement of the last tranche. Our personal customer service will be happy to explain all further details to you in a conversation.

Can horizontal and vertical tranches with and without spot market supplementation be purchased from enPORTAL connect?

Yes, we offer all procurement models on our energy platform and provide support within the framework of the purchasing strategy as to which model is the most suitable for the company or the public client.

What is portfolio purchasing?

Portfolio purchasing of electricity and gas is particularly interesting for energy-intensive companies. Here, the procurement volume is divided into annual, quarterly and monthly bands in order to profit from stock market fluctuations and to spread price risks. Energy quantities are bought continuously and in some cases also sold. Our personal customer service will be happy to explain all further details to you in a conversation.

Can I change my procurement model with enPORTAL connect?

Yes, with our energy platform and our personal customer service, changing the procurement model is basically no problem. A change can always be implemented for the next tender. During the energy crisis, some companies were temporarily forced to change their supply model. Thanks to our direct line to more than 700 energy suppliers, we were always able to switch to a new contract model that meets the current market requirements.

What if I suddenly consume more or less energy per year?

Excess or short quantities or tolerance bands can be specified in a tender and give you a lot of flexibility in case of unforeseeable developments in your company.

Can I determine my own purchasing strategy or can our individual requirements be mapped?

Yes, if you prefer a desired purchasing strategy in the company, then we will support you in all steps towards implementation. Due to our large number of energy suppliers on the energy platform, we usually always find an energy supplier that meets your requirements.

Energiedatenmanagement enPORTAL connect Icon

Energy data management

We would be happy to explain to you why it is so important to network in the energy sector - both at a data level and at a personal level. We share our energy expertise and take you with us into the digital energy world with all its possibilities and opportunities.

We would be happy to explain to you why it is so important to network in the energy sector - both at a data level and at a personal level. We share our energy expertise and take you with us into the digital energy world with all its possibilities and opportunities.

What is energy data management?

Energy data management is the administration and analysis of all energy consumption data of a company. This includes the display and control of consumption points, consumption, costs and contracts. This is accompanied by the linking of a company's energy data with current, publicly regulated grid fees, taxes, levies and charges. This information is bundled, linked, up-to-date and complete at all times in enPORTAL connect.

What are the benefits of energy data management?

Good energy data management is a prerequisite for optimally procuring energy and reducing costs. Offline or with Excel spreadsheets, this is associated with a high level of error-prone effort and countless hours of work, as in addition to consumption, grid charges, taxes, levies and charges also change continuously. With enPORTAL connect, after a short onboarding process, you have a functional energy platform in which your energy data is automatically updated and maintained by us.

What energy data is recorded and displayed with enPORTAL connect?

With enPORTAL connect, your consumption points are displayed with consumption, costs, grid data, charges and taxes. Numerous filter functions allow you to analyse your data. As a rule, we have created your energy data retrospectively on the energy platform for at least two years, so that you can also better understand historical changes. The longer you are a customer of ours, the more comprehensive the data basis becomes. enPORTAL connect serves as a digital filing cabinet.

How does my energy data get onto the enPORTAL connect energy platform?

After your booking, you will receive access to enPORTAL connect and provide the data required for the initial creation. We then view your energy data, create it and contact you for an initial meeting with your personal customer advisor. You can find all further information on the onboarding process here: Support.

Why is it important to keep my energy data permanently up-to-date?

Electricity and gas are media that are traded on exchanges and are subject to high price fluctuations. Stock exchange price developments, in turn, have a direct influence on the energy suppliers' price calculations. It is therefore important to keep the energy data permanently up to date in order to be able to start a tender at short notice if necessary. This is possible with enPORTAL connect because all the relevant energy data that energy suppliers need for price calculation is available at all times.

How can I keep my energy data up to date?

With enPORTAL connect, your energy data is updated automatically and is always up to date. All you need to do in this area is log in to the energy platform and view your current energy data. Updating energy data via Excel or other software programmes always involves continuous manual effort and is often incomplete and out of date. However, this is important in order to be able to start a tender quickly in the event of good stock market developments.

How does my energy data update automatically with enPORTAL connect?

We receive a power of attorney from you so that we can obtain the current consumption data from your energy supplier. This eliminates the manual effort for you and you always have an overview of all current consumption. We link your energy data with all current grid charges, taxes, levies and apportionments so that you can keep an eye on your consumption and energy costs at all times.

How is my energy data linked to the current grid charges, taxes and levies in enPORTAL connect?

Grid charges, taxes and levies are fed into our energy platform via digital interfaces (API) in cooperation with data service providers. This eliminates the effort for you to research and constantly adapt these individually.

How often do taxes, levies and charges for electricity or gas change?

This varies completely - sometimes annually, sometimes every six months or at short notice. As an enPORTAL connect customer, you are continuously and immediately informed about all market changes and adjustments. All currently valid values are immediately linked to your energy data via our digital interfaces. This facilitates your economic planning and gives you security and control.

Can I filter, categorise or export my energy data in enPORTAL connect?

Yes, your energy data is stored in enPORTAL connect in such a way that you can set all filters and views as you need them at any time. You can also create analyses and reports as Excel tables or PDF files at any time.

How long does it take until my consumption or load profile data is available on enPORTAL connect?

The electricity load profile data is normally available by the 10th day of the month. For gas, it usually takes until the 15th day of the month due to the so-called calorific value adjustment. Ask your personal customer advisor for more information.

Energiepreisprognose enPORTAL connect

Energy price forecast

We would be happy to explain to you why it is so important to network in the energy sector - both at a data level and at a personal level. We share our energy expertise and take you with us into the digital energy world with all its possibilities and opportunities.

We would be happy to explain to you why it is so important to network in the energy sector - both at a data level and at a personal level. We share our energy expertise and take you with us into the digital energy world with all its possibilities and opportunities.

What is an energy price forecast?

The enPORTAL connect energy price forecast uses the current exchange prices and relates them to the individual consumption profile of your company. This makes it possible to see what costs you would have to expect in the future if you were to procure your energy now. The price surcharges of the energy suppliers are taken into account by means of an AI.

How do I benefit from an energy price forecast?

An energy price forecast supports the decision to start a tender or energy procurement. It tells you what the current exchange prices mean for your company and what costs you would have to expect now.

How does the purchase-specific energy price forecast work?

This function of enPORTAL connect also uses an AI-based calculation method and informs you by e-mail if a target price corridor you have set is exceeded or undershot. In this way, you can start your energy procurement before a development on the stock exchange would result in enormous additional costs for your company - or to benefit from a cost saving when stock exchange prices fall. You will never again miss a purchasing moment.

How does the enPORTAL connect stock price alert work?

With the stock price alarm, price thresholds can be set upwards and downwards. If these exceed one of the threshold values, you are informed of this by e-mail. This way you can start your energy procurement before a development on the stock exchange would result in enormous additional costs for your company - or to benefit from a cost saving when stock exchange prices fall. You'll never miss a purchase moment again.

What advantages do the energy price forecasts from enPORTAL connect offer me?

With our AI-based energy price forecast, you can see every day what a same-day tender would mean for energy costs. This makes your business planning easier and ensures that you can see what electricity or gas costs you can expect even before a tender. Our forecast combines three values, completely customised to your consumption points: 1) Individual energy data 2) Closing market prices from the previous day 3) Standard market mark-up from the energy suppliers on the underlying consumption profile.

How does the price result in the case of offtake point specific target prices?

Our forecast combines three values, completely individually related to your consumption points: 1) Individual energy data 2) Closing exchange prices from the previous day 3) Market-standard exchange mark-up on the part of the energy suppliers on the underlying consumption profile.

What happens if my set target prices are exceeded or undershot?

You will automatically receive an email with the information and can then contact our customer service to discuss all further steps. An immediate tender is possible at any time if market opportunities are favourable.

Does the energy price forecast help me to make a purchasing decision?

Yes, our energy price forecasts are designed to make your purchasing decisions easier, because you can see every day what today's procurement or tender would cost you. Everything is based on actual closing prices on the exchange and with AI-backed mark-ups from the energy suppliers.

Energiemarktplatz Icon enPORTAL connect

Energy marketplace

We would be happy to explain to you why it is so important to network in the energy sector - both at a data level and at a personal level. We share our energy expertise and take you with us into the digital energy world with all its possibilities and opportunities.

We would be happy to explain to you why it is so important to network in the energy sector - both at a data level and at a personal level. We share our energy expertise and take you with us into the digital energy world with all its possibilities and opportunities.

What is an energy marketplace?

An energy marketplace is a digital place where industry, SMEs and commercial companies, as well as public clients and sector contracting authorities, are networked with energy suppliers to purchase electricity and gas. In other words, a trading place for energy. We founded our energy marketplace in 2008 and have since been one of the leading digital energy platforms in the German market.

What characterises the German energy market?

The German energy market is particularly large and heterogeneous, with around 1,000 energy supply companies. There are many players and issues that play an important role, including the energy transition, the expansion of renewable energies, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as well as regulations of the market. In the German energy market, there are four supra-regional energy suppliers (E.ON, RWE, EnBW and Vattenfall) that generate and sell energy themselves. In addition, there are numerous energy suppliers or municipal utilities that operate supraregionally or only regionally.

Why is it so important to use competition in the energy market?

Electricity is electricity and natural gas is natural gas. The energy sources do not differ in quality. What does differ, however, is the price that energy suppliers charge for a kilowatt hour. Therefore, it is always worthwhile to enquire about the largest possible number of suppliers. Companies from the industrial, SME and commercial sectors, as well as public clients and sector contractors, only receive individual energy price offers that are precisely tailored to the company profile. Taking advantage of the great competition is quick and easy via a digital energy marketplace.

How many suppliers are on the enPORTAL connect energy marketplace?

Our digital energy marketplace contains more than 700 verified energy suppliers from all over Germany. These include all national energy suppliers as well as numerous regional municipal utilities. We thus offer maximum competition in the German market.

How do energy suppliers access the enPORTAL connect energy marketplace?

Our 700 or so participating energy suppliers can use the enPORTAL connect energy marketplace free of charge to participate in tenders for electricity and gas. They can register for this via our website and are then admitted after an initial check.

How much working time do I have to plan for the planning, implementation and completion of a tender?

The entire process takes several working days, whereby your working time is only 1-3 hours in total. In the meantime, your account manager takes care of preparing a tender and the energy suppliers have time to calculate your offers and submit them.

How does energy purchasing work via the enPORTAL connect energy marketplace?

You put your required energy quantities out to tender via the energy marketplace. Since all energy data is always complete and up-to-date in enPORTAL connect, the tender is possible at any time. If there is a good time to buy, it's just one click and over 700 energy suppliers in Germany will hear about your tender. After the end of the tender, you will immediately see the most favourable and suitable supplier listed in a bidder's list - including a price and performance comparison. With just one click, you can select your preferred supplier, confirm the energy supply contract online in a legally secure manner, and the change of supplier is done. We act independently and neutrally; the decision for a supplier is still up to your company.

How many suppliers usually take part in a tender via the enPORTAL connect energy marketplace?

This varies greatly and depends on many factors, such as consumption structure, energy quantity, creditworthiness and market situation. Sometimes there are 20 offers, sometimes only 3, but these are the best prices on the market at the time of purchase. As a general rule, the greatest possible competition creates the greatest possible certainty of finding the cheapest and most suitable energy supplier. In commercial energy procurement there are no fixed tariffs, only individual price offers according to the lock-and-key principle. The customer who best fits into the energy supplier's portfolio receives a good and customised price offer.

Can I see which energy suppliers are on the energy marketplace?

Yes, all energy suppliers and the responsible key account holders are stored in enPORTAL connect. You have the option of contacting them at any time.

How important is regional proximity to my energy supplier?

Regional proximity to the energy supplier is not relevant. However, the digital energy marketplace of enPORTAL connect is used to request information from both regional and supraregional energy suppliers in order to obtain the best price in any case.

What are the advantages for utilities in using enPORTAL connect?

Energy suppliers use the energy marketplace as a sales platform and thus find new customers who fit into their portfolio. Energy suppliers have digital access via enPORTAL connect to all the data they need for calculating offers. In summary, the effort required for acquisition, submission of offers and drafting of contracts is reduced to a minimum on the part of the energy supplier.

Energieeinkauf enPORTAL connect Icon

Energy purchasing

We would be happy to explain to you why it is so important to network in the energy sector - both at a data level and at a personal level. We share our energy expertise and take you with us into the digital energy world with all its possibilities and opportunities.

We would be happy to explain to you why it is so important to network in the energy sector - both at a data level and at a personal level. We share our energy expertise and take you with us into the digital energy world with all its possibilities and opportunities.

What distinguishes private energy purchasing from commercial energy purchasing?

When purchasing energy for industry, SMEs and commerce, as well as for public clients and sector clients, there are only individual price offers and no fixed tariffs. Energy suppliers calculate these on the basis of the load profile and offtake behaviour.

Why is it so important to keep a permanent eye on the stock market prices for electricity and gas?

Electricity and gas are media that are traded on exchanges and are subject to high price fluctuations. Stock exchange price developments in turn have a direct influence on the energy suppliers' price calculations. Therefore, it is important to permanently monitor the stock exchange prices in order to start a purchase if necessary. This is possible with enPORTAL connect because all the relevant energy data that energy suppliers need for price calculation is available in full at all times.

When is the best time to buy?

The best time to buy is when price developments on the stock exchange can save energy costs or avoid extreme additional costs. With the enPORTAL connect stock exchange price alert, you are automatically informed about relevant price developments and thus never miss a purchase moment. With our Ki-supported energy price forecast, you can see how a tender at current exchange prices would affect your energy costs.

How much time do I need to prepare a tender?

With enPORTAL connect, you can start the tender process at any time, as your energy data is always up-to-date and complete. This eliminates the preparation time. If you want to start a tender, contact your personal account manager, who will briefly discuss the tender with you, start it and accompany and support you through all the steps until the contract is concluded.

How much time do I have to plan for energy purchasing with enPORTAL connect from preparation to conclusion of the contract?

There are only a few days between the start of a tender and the awarding of the contract. Since your data is permanently available to us and the awarding process is also digitally mapped, your time expenditure is only a few hours.

How does energy purchasing work with enPORTAL connect?

Together with your personal account manager, a tender is prepared and published according to your wishes and requirements (e.g. only green electricity). By the date you specify, you will receive offers and can compare them with each other in the bidders' list. With a click, you can then award your contract to the energy supplier with the best offer. The time required is minimal.

What factors influence the price of energy?

There are numerous factors that influence the price of energy. These include exchange prices, creditworthiness and the consumption profile.

What is a binding period?

The commitment period is the time during which a price offer for electricity or gas is binding from the energy supplier and during which the decision for or against the supply offer must be made. The shorter the period during which the energy supplier must commit to its offer, the lower the risk of potential price fluctuations on the exchange is priced into its offer. This means: the shorter the commitment period, the better the price. Our binding period at enPORTAL connect is between 5 minutes and 2 hours, depending on what is currently happening on the market - this is possible because all cost components and price offers are available transparently in a bidder's list and a decision can be made quickly.

Can I also buy green electricity with enPORTAL connect?

Yes, you can. Simply indicate this when preparing the tender and, if necessary, select the appropriate certificates (e.g. TÜV Süd EE01, HKN Wasser EU, TÜV NORD). The energy suppliers will be informed of your green electricity request when the tender is launched and can submit suitable bids.

Can I procure electricity or gas for many years in advance?

With enPORTAL connect you can tender energy for all years that are traded on the exchange.

Who selects the energy supplier after a tender?

As a customer, you choose the energy supplier yourself and are completely free to make your own decision. Your personal customer advisor will of course be at your disposal.

Do I also have access to historical tenders?

Yes, you have. All historical data since the beginning of your cooperation with us is stored on the energy platform and is available for you to download.

Energieexpertise enPORTAL connect Icon

Energy expertise

We would be happy to explain to you why it is so important to network in the energy sector - both at a data level and at a personal level. We share our energy expertise and take you with us into the digital energy world with all its possibilities and opportunities.

We would be happy to explain to you why it is so important to network in the energy sector - both at a data level and at a personal level. We share our energy expertise and take you with us into the digital energy world with all its possibilities and opportunities.

What is meant by energy expertise?

By energy expertise we mean all market information in the field of energy that supports the optimal and efficient implementation of electricity and gas purchasing and data management, adapted to the current requirements of the energy market.

How much energy knowledge do I need to be able to use enPORTAL connect?

Our service is aimed both at experienced, professional energy buyers and at people who are taking on this task in the company in addition or for the first time and have little previous knowledge. In addition to purchasing managers, our users include managing directors, technical managers and general purchasers from companies, municipalities, public clients and sector contractors. This means that energy knowledge is basically not necessary to be able to use enPORTAL connect - we quickly put you at eye level in the energy market and pick you up exactly where your energy knowledge starts. Our customers benefit from digital processes and personal customer support.

What energy expertise does enPORTAL connect draw on?

Founded in 2008, we are one of the pioneers in the digitalisation of energy processes related to purchasing and data management. Our enPORTAL team is in daily personal contact with energy buyers from all sectors and the key accounts of more than 700 energy suppliers. We know what both sides are concerned about and what challenges need to be mastered. Our employees know the current requirements, needs and developments in the energy market inside out and combine this knowledge with many years of experience. This is the basis of our energy expertise, which ensures a highly professional and individual customer service that we place great value on.

How does enPORTAL connect help me understand the fast-moving energy market?

You will receive the most important information and answers to your questions in a personal exchange with your account manager. We also send you important news on legal requirements, changes, platform updates and market changes on a regular basis. On the energy platform there is the Energy Knowledge section, where you can obtain in-depth information. Regular mailings and webinars round off our service and give you updates on important market changes.

Why is it so important to network in the energy industry?

Networking is the prerequisite for being able to act optimally and efficiently and to achieve success in energy purchasing. Digital networking means fast routes, short deadlines, quick access and instant bidding mirrors.

Why is it important to know trends in the energy sector and to keep my knowledge up to date?

The energy market is a volatile and fast-moving market. Knowledge of the trends is important in order to seize opportunities and balance risks, for example by adapting your own procurement model to the current market requirements. Our personal customer service or the enPORTAL connect team will always be at your side.

Will I be informed about all market changes such as new laws, levies or price brakes?

Yes, as a customer you become part of our network and learn immediately when legal changes occur that have an impact on your energy costs or your energy purchasing in general. Here, we work together with other experts, if necessary, to also support you with technical challenges.

I am a purchasing manager in the energy sector and have a lot of prior knowledge. What advantages does the enPORTAL connect service offer me?

The advantages enjoyed by female experts in energy purchasing are, in particular, an efficient, fully digital and networked energy platform that gives you countless new possibilities for forecasting, controlling and economic planning. The effort for tenders is reduced to a few hours, contracts are concluded digitally and the mapping of individual company values (e.g. warehouse no. etc.) are possible. Reports for board members or managing directors are done with just a few clicks, and the manual effort involved in updating data virtually disappears. You work faster, more efficiently, more detailed and more precisely in your work area.

I have no experience at all in energy purchasing, but would like to optimise it - is enPORTAL connect right for me?

Yes, absolutely! We turn you into an energy purchasing professional with little administrative effort - with your personal account manager you have support at your side - we take care of updating your energy data and quickly put you on an equal footing in the energy market. All of our processes are transparent and comprehensible, so that you retain control when it comes to decisions on energy suppliers or supply conditions.

How energy purchasing works today

Find out what challenges the current procurement of electricity and gas entails and how enPORTAL connect can support you.

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Your contact person from our team

Norman Lübeck

Digital sales management

040 – 604 29 87-60

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What can we do for you?

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Your contact

Norman Lübeck

Digital sales management

040 - 604 29 87-60

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EVU enPORTAL connect

Your free supplier access to enPORTAL connect

Key accounts of energy supply companies can use our enPORTAL free of charge to participate in online tenders for electricity and gas. You can register here:


enPORTAL connect booking

Here you can calculate what our service costs and book the contract conveniently online.

  • Welcome to 1
  • Customised offer 2
  • Summary 3

Book now enPORTAL connect for your company!

With just a few clicks, you can view your customised price offer here and conclude the contract with us immediately or have it sent to you by e-mail for you to sign.