Your direct entry into the digital world of energy procurement

Energy platform & personal energy expertise

Transparent pricing model


Fair and comprehensible contract model

enPORTAL connect is used on the basis of a service contract for a term of 12 or 24 months. The contract can be cancelled up to 3 months before expiry or extended for a further year. Our remuneration is calculated on the basis of your consumption points and the total consumption that we manage for you on the energy platform. We will invoice you at the end of each quarter on the basis of your consumption and consumption points. You can see the contract and your individual conditions immediately when you enter your data in the booking mask.

Energy purchasing and energy data management

Watch our video to find out how you can digitally optimise your energy procurement and energy data management and how important short commitment periods, automated processes and the huge competition among around 700 energy suppliers are. Our efficient energy platform enPORTAL connect is ideal for companies in the industrial, SME and commercial sectors, enabling them to purchase electricity and gas in the shortest possible time and at the best energy prices at the time of purchase.

enPORTAL connect booking

Here you can calculate what our service costs and book the contract conveniently online.

  • Welcome to 1
  • Customised offer 2
  • Summary 3

Book now enPORTAL connect for your company!

With just a few clicks, you can view your customised price offer here and conclude the contract with us immediately or have it sent to you by e-mail for you to sign.

"Download our enPORTAL connect product brochure and discover the benefits of our service".

Product brochure enPORTAL connect

Your way to enPORTAL connect


Buchen enPORTAL connect

Book service online

Enter data, view price and conclude contract

Energiedaten enPORTAL connect Icon

Provide energy data

Upload your energy data to the energy platform

Einrichtung enPORTAL connect Energieplattform

Setting up the platform

We set up your collection points on the energy platform

Einrichtung enPORTAL connect

Get going

Finding a strategy, shopping, controlling

What can we do for you?

Find out more about us and the benefits of enPORTAL connect in a personal dialogue.

Norman Lübeck

Digital sales management

040 - 604 29 87-60

Flexible appointment

What can we do for you?

Find out more about us and the benefits of enPORTAL connect in a personal dialogue.

Your contact

Norman Lübeck

Digital sales management

040 - 604 29 87-60

Flexible appointment

Choose directly a free appointment with our experts and let us advise you personally.

EVU enPORTAL connect

Your free supplier access to enPORTAL connect

Key accounts of energy supply companies can use our enPORTAL free of charge to participate in online tenders for electricity and gas. You can register here:


enPORTAL connect booking

Here you can calculate what our service costs and book the contract conveniently online.

  • Welcome to 1
  • Customised offer 2
  • Summary 3

Book now enPORTAL connect for your company!

With just a few clicks, you can view your customised price offer here and conclude the contract with us immediately or have it sent to you by e-mail for you to sign.