Your direct entry into the digital world of energy procurement


Your reference work on all aspects of electricity and gas purchasing

Collection point

The point at which the grid of the local grid operator ends and the energy is transferred to the electricity customer is called the point of delivery. Depending on the customer's technical requirements, electricity can be purchased at different voltage levels.


For energy that has already been delivered, a down payment, the so-called budget billing, is due 11 to 12 times per year. The amount will be invoiced with the bill. The amount of the down payment is based on the previous energy consumption.


The unit of measurement for electric current is called the ampere (A), named after the French physicist Andre-Marie Ampere.


An ampere-hour is the physical unit of the amount of electricity or electric charge calculated from current intensity and time.

Incentive regulation

Electricity and gas grids are natural monopolies. The Federal Network Agency therefore applies incentive regulation when regulating network fees. It mainly comprises the specification of revenue caps according to the benchmark set by the most cost-efficient network operator, the determination of individual inefficiencies of individual network operators and the setting of sectoral productivity factors by which the revenue caps regularly decrease as a result of the progress in productivity.

Connected load

The sum of the rated outputs of all electrical consumption devices present at the customer's premises or in a supply area that can be used simultaneously is the connected load.

How energy purchasing works today

Find out what challenges the current procurement of electricity and gas entails and how enPORTAL connect can support you in this endeavour

Optimise energy purchasing with enPORTAL connect

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Norman Lübeck

Digital sales management

040 – 604 29 87-60

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Norman Lübeck

Digital sales management

040 - 604 29 87-60

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