Do not miss the notification to the network operator
An important piece of information that is relevant for many companies and businesses: the reporting obligation pursuant to Section 19 (2) StromNEV apportionment.
The reporting obligation pursuant to Section 19 (2) StromNEV stipulates that final consumers with an annual consumption of more than 1,000,000 kWh per offtake point must report the electricity drawn from the grid and consumed by themselves in 2022 to their respective grid operator by 31 March 2023 at the latest. If you as a company are affected by the reporting obligation, you should take it seriously and take the necessary steps to submit a proper report.
For the self-consumed electricity quantities exceeding 1,000,000 kWh, the levy according to § 19 par. 2 StromNEV in the final consumer group B is then favourable:
LV Group A*: 0.437 ct/kWh (net)
LV Group B*: 0.050 ct/kWh (net)
LV group C*: 0.025 ct/kWh (net)
Final consumer group A*
Electricity quantities of final consumers for the first 1,000,000 kWh per consumption point.
End consumer group B*
Final consumers whose annual consumption at a consumption point exceeds 1,000,000 kWh shall additionally pay a maximum Section 19 StromNEV levy of 0.050 ct/kWh for electricity purchases exceeding 1,000,000 kWh.
End consumer group C*
Final consumers who are assigned to the manufacturing industry, rail-bound transport or railway infrastructure and whose electricity costs exceeded 4 percent of turnover in the previous calendar year shall pay a maximum Section 19 StromNEV levy of 0.025 ct/kWh for electricity purchases exceeding 1,000,000 kWh.
Companies can have the end consumer group C* certified by an auditor or a certified accountant on the basis of the previous year. The auditor's certificate must be sent to the local grid operator by 31 March of the year.
If you have not consumed all of the electricity drawn from the grid yourself, you must notify the grid operator of the electricity quantities forwarded to third parties in 2022. Most grid operators offer a notification form to fill out on their website. For the electricity quantities forwarded to third parties, no benefits from the levies can be claimed. These electricity quantities not consumed by the grid operator itself must be recorded via calibrated meters in accordance with § 33 Paragraph 2 of the Metering Act.
The privileged treatment for quantities >1,000,000 kWh/a only applies to the § 19 StromNEV levy. Other levies are excluded from this regulation.